Appleland Montessori Childcare Centre

165 Bukit Batok West Ave 8
Singapore 650165
Principal: Jane Teo Order your Start Small Dream Big Book now

"The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the period from birth to the age of six." -- Dr. Maria Montessori

A child retains his bility to learn by absorbing until almost seven years old. Thus, the first seven years of a child's life is identified as the most sensitive periods for learning. 

Dr. Maria Montessori felt that the goal of early childhood education should not be to fill the child with facts from a pre-selected course of studies but rather to cultivate his own natural desire to learn.

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Appleland Montessori Childcare Centre

Mid - Autumn Festival
Appleland Montessori Childcare Centre
10 Oct 2023
Mid - Autumn Festival

Written By: Mdm Chan Fuee Kiau二零二三年九月二九日,中秋庆祝活动记绿本年度中秋庆祝活动,适逢中秋节八月十日正日,幼儿们都特别兴备,都提着灯笼,穿着各类服装出席本日的活动。活动资源: 老师准备了中秋节的食品,各式各样的月饼,柚子,菱角,芋头等应节食品,还有关于中秋节由来的短视频。首先,我们在早上十时正,集合所有学生于大堂坐下,老师提问:今天庆祝什么节日?接着老师播放视频,边看边说明,有关传说中嫦娥奔月的故事,,传说嫦娥是远古时候一个名叫后羿的英雄的妻子,被奸人所逼,吞下西王母赐给丈夫后羿的长生不死药之后,飞到了月宫,从此, 后羿与嫦娥天涯两隔,这一天,正是八月十五,为了纪念他们订为中秋节。之后,老师为孩子介绍各种中秋节食品的名称,如:月饼 有各种颜色的冰皮月饼,酥皮烤月饼,柚子等等。下来让幼儿品尝月饼,柚子等食物。品尝完毕,各班级幼儿提灯笼环绕周边走一圈。名班级由老师带领幼儿提着灯笼,在校园周圍绕转一圈,体会提燈笼的乐趣。xx延伸活动:老师准备的,以中秋节为题材的画作,让幼儿们在各班级里为图画彩上颜色色,完成了一天的庆祝话。TD N1&N2做同样的大月饼彩上颜色。N2 也学习用膠泥制作月饼,自己学习印出自己喜欢的颜色与图案。K1&K2为图画...

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