
Appleland Montessori Childcare Centre

22 May 2024

SSDB LAUNCH 2024: Centre Project - Sustainable Community Through Recycling and Gardening

Written by: June Othman in Collaboration with Nora Abd. Hamid

For our SSDB Launch this year, both kids and teachers decided to combine our previous projects of Recycling and Gardening.

Children and teachers were excited to relaunch the project via various activities conducted in the centre.

The children were excited when we revisit our garden daily after the launch and doing recycling all over again.

The toddlers were also busy watering our plants in the garden - all using the recyclables PET and Vitagen bottles instead of the hose (thus wasting precious water)

The children - toddler right up to the Primary school children were taught the needs to save water and not to waste it while washing toys or even when watering the garden herbs and plants.

Children were shown videos and listened to music as to how to be a responsible child in a community.

Through our recycling program, the children learned to create items using our recyclables materials with the help from parents and teachers. Photos of their craft work using recyclables materials.

Some of these crafts work are from our parents who enjoyed our SSDB Launch Program. Wallet made from Tetra milk packets and a photo frame, craft using plastic, toilet roll etc.

Our nature learning journey enables the children to have loads of hands on activities where they learn that they can plant the seeds using used plastic bowl or cups and once its germinated we can replant it onto the styrofoam box filled with soil. They were then able to water it and learned what certain leaves smelled like, pulled the weeds and even observed how the plants grow.

Lastly for the launch, the N2 children had fun cleaning up the outdoor community area through picking up the litters for the community and to keep our surrounding area in pristine conditions. Well done everyone. A fruitful launch indeed 

Well done 👏🏽

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