Nur Hazimah Mohamed Nassir

MOE Kindergarten @ Angsana

Nur Hazimah Mohamed Nassir
22 Jul 2024

Planting with Love - The Beginnning

This is MK@Angsana’s first time participating in SSDB, and our inspiring project is called ‘Planting with Love’. It’s not just about growing spring onions in the school garden but also sharing the harvest within our Angsana Primary School community. It’s also a valuable learning experience to teach our friends the importance of responsibility, sharing and caring for the environment.

With the sun shining and a gentle breeze in the air, our MK@Angsana’s friends gathered together each armed with shovels and onions, to carefully plant in their designated plots in the garden. 

In the following weeks, our friends will ensure their onions receive the tender, loving care they need to grow and thrive. We are all eagerly anticipating the progress and will be sharing updates soon!

K1 friends

K2 Friends

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