Every child has the power to create change and make a difference. One of the ways that they can do is to stretch their helping hands through community outreach. K1 children conducted an outreach to inform people about endangered animals. They were also able to share facts and spread awareness to people why these animals are endangered.
Children took a group photo before they went around to different places in our area. They went to the garden when they saw grandparents watering their plants. Children were able to talk to them and shared about the endangered animals in their cards. They continued to conduct the outreach at the basketball court, void decks and also at the MRT station.
Children experienced to look out for someone they wanted to approach and they experienced to be rejected as well but they never stop. They kept looking for someone they can give cards but this time they started to greet the person and introduced themselves. As they did they realised that people will listen and stop for them.
This community outreach activity will surely have an impact to all the people they have given out the cards. They also served as an inspiration to all that even at their young age they can do something to the community and for the endangered animals.