Cindy Lim

Cherie Hearts @ Mountbatten Pte Ltd

Cindy Lim
15 Nov 2024

SSDB 2024 Piccolo Artista by Famous Artists @ CHMB

The project, CHMB SSDB 2023, embarked on a journey with the theme “Piccolo Artista by Famous Artists”. The project aimed to raise interest in art pieces among children inspired by famous artists worldwide. The journey began on the 17th of April, when K2 children were introduced to the language of art, using mixed media in drawing, colouring, and painting.

On the 17th of April, the project kicked off with a community service activity. The children were excited to introduce the famous artist Vince van Gogh to the elderlies at the House of Joy. They joined hands, colouring a piece of “The Bedroom” with coloured pencils. In addition, the children were presented with a “Start Small, Dream Big” performance for the elderlies.

During the June Holidays program, the children were introduced to the language of art, various materials and textures through various lands on the activities. This activity aimed to inspire children with famous artists’ art pieces such as “Starry Night”, “Starry Sky”, “Starry Light, “The Bedroom”, and “Sunflower”. They used tissue paper and water paints to create the starry light as a table lamp. They used crayons to colour the night sky with the bright moon that expressed the mood and feeling at night. In addition, they used water paints, animals, and various image stamps to represent the views of objects in the starry sky at night from the window.

Throughout the weeks, the children learned different aspects through aesthetic and creative expression in art activities. In this activity, they learned various stages to complete a piece of artwork and used their imagination to enhance self-confidence, using mixed media to create unexpected art pieces such as “Sunflower.” While exploring, the children enjoyed teamwork in colouring and painting art pieces.

In July month, the school decided to exhibit the children’s art pieces in the Geylang East Library. The art pieces included children aged 18 months (Playground) to 6 years (K2). This exhibition aimed to show children’s interpretations of art pieces that artists inspired before them.

The journey’s conclusion at Cherie Hearts @ Mountbatten on the 3rd of August was an event to showcase the project’s entire journey. This event had given an opportunity for parents to discover their children’s incredible talents in the arts skills. The K2 and K1 children performed singing and dancing to our guest of honour, Mr Lim Biow Chua, the MP of Mountbatten. In the event, the parents purchased their child’s art pieces with food donations in kindness.

Thanks to the generosity of the parents, K2 and K1 children consolidated the food donations and delivered them to the elderlies at House of Joy.

The overall project aimed to raise the children’s interests and discover their hidden talents in art skills. The project message is “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” This message indicates the importance of individual and teamwork contributions to showing the children’s interests and art skills inspired by famous artists.

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