The theme of our Start Small Dream Big project is “Upcycling in Our Learning Environment”. Children are engaged in upcycling materials found in their classrooms to create artwork pieces/ activities for their learning environment.
On 10th of June, children of My First Skool @ Blk 428 Clementi embarked on their SSDB journey by taking the pledge.
Nursery children doing their pledge taking ceremony as the SSDB agent for 2020
K1 children uses cardboards and recycled materials to create their artworks.
K2 children upcycle their recycling materials such as cans, bottles, toilet rolls and containers to create materials for their Bee Bot obstacle course.
Through the journey, K2 children do reflect and write down their thoughts about their SSDB Journey is their journal.
With that here is a short clip of how we have “Upcyle in Our Learning Environment!” A great SSDB 2020 Journey! No one can do everything but everyone can do something!