Children learnt about the next 2 R’s (Reuse and Recycle).
First, we had a large group discussion where shared their understanding of reuse and recycle. Children also shared some examples that they can reuse and recycle both in school and at home (reusing plastic bottles as watering cans and water bottles; reusing jam jars as cookie jars; used toilet rolls to be a pencil holder; reusing plastic bags when shopping for groceries).
Children were then shown videos on reusing and recycling for them to have a deeper understanding.
They were small group discussions where children were given materials and after which shared their thoughts and ideas on how to reuse and recycle them. Children drew and wrote their ideas and shared it with their peers.
Children had the opportunity to practice sorting and recycling materials that were brought from home and also collected in school at the recycling bins found around the vicinity of our school.