Chatsworth Preschool @ 93A Clementi Road **
Alongside the Earth Day celebration, our teachers and children launched the SSDB project of 2021. In conjunction with the theme ‘Stay connected, Make a difference’ our Centre is embarking on a planting project. This is to expand their contribution in achieving a healthy Earth. Responsibility is also key to make a difference in their environment.
We hope to impart to children the importance of
healthy eating and to achieve
this we are looking forward to exploring a greenhouse. They will be responsible of process from seeds to harvesting.
From planting to sharing, this is one of our goals for our children to connect with the vulnerable in the community. Sharing their journey and donating a starter pack to join our Healthy Earth, Responsible child movement.
These are the K1’s photos during the launch of SSDB.
They were engaged in a “Guess it!” game. They had fun guessing and making connections between lines and shapes to name the drawing! It invoked a deeper sense of curiosity about gardening as we discussed at length about each drawing.
K2 in action!
They were engaged in a “pass the message” game with a twist. They were encouraged to draw in 10 seconds the picture that they need to pass to their friend. The next person will add on to complete the picture until it reaches the last player. The last person will guess the message through the picture they drew. It was a fun and exciting game for the K2’s. Revealing and comparing their drawing with the picture card makes them realise how playful their imagination was. After the game, they noticed the pictures were all linked to the greenhouse that the school will prepare for their gardening. They were looking forward to planting and give back their possible harvest to the vulnerable individuals in the community.
Nursery children were engaged in a game called ‘unwrap the present’. They were in a circle passing around a box wrapped with items related to planting. As they pass the box around, the music stoped to allow the child holding the present to unwrap it. When the item was revealed they shared their ideas about it. The children were curious and eager to unwrap the present to see what is the next object. They were excited and looked forward to planting the vegetables and fruits in our greenhouse. Happy Earth Day!