Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
25 Jun

SSDB Launch 2024

Our theme for this year’s SSDB project is ‘Caring for Animals’. Prior to SSDB launch, the children brought home recyclable bottles to turn it into animal crafts in conjunction with Earth Day. Parents and children showed their creativity as they created sharks, turtles and jellyfish out of recyclable bottles. These crafts were then hung in our classroom to celebrate SSDB launch. 

Our SSDB launch was held on 27 April 2024. Families were invited to the centre to learn about responsible pet ownership. After a game of animal charades to break the ice, everyone were divided into three groups to rotate among the three stations prepared. In the first station, parents and children upcycled our old CDs into animal crafts. 

In our second station, we invited two parents to become our guest speakers to share about being pet owners. They brought a love bird and a Pomeranian dog to allow children to interact with them.

At the last station, we borrowed panels from NParks for parents and children to view and complete the word hunt activity. 

It was such a meaningful day for everyone. Through this event, we hope that people will show care towards animals around them.

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