Lean Jing Rou (Janice)

EB0020 E-Bridge Pre-School (Dawson) 

Lean Jing Rou (Janice)
24 Jul

Save The Earth

June 2023:

In Term 2, we went on an excursion to Nature Kindred. We engaged in fun-filled learning experiences such as storytelling about plants, succulents planting, as well as walking around in the nursery to explore different types of plants. We enjoyed exploring and discovering how to grow the succulent plants. These experiences helped us gain more awareness on sustainability.

July to September 2023:

To showcase our learning about sustainability, we were facilitated by the teachers to create two storybooks about saving the earth using different loose parts, recyclable materials and art resources. We enjoyed throughout the process of creating these storybooks (Save The Earth & Save The Ocean).

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