The children learnt the importance of the 3Rs & as young as they are, they can be an advocate for their environment. For their art & craft projects, the children were encouraged to use recycled items such as toilet rolls, paper scraps, plastic bottles, leftover art materials cardboards…etc.
Zhenghua Secondary School - Value-In-Action Program on Water Conservation
The students from Zhenghua Secondary School came to teach the children how to conserve water. Water Wally was introduced & the children had an enjoyable time learning by singing songs, playing games & doing art & craft.
Visit to NEWater Visitor Centre (“NEWater”)
Children went on an interactive learning journey to NEWater They learn the importance of water conservation & its importance to plants, the basics of natural filtration & an introduction to the 3 stage process of producing NEWater. There was also a hands-on session where children used their five senses & simple tools to create their own mini rain garden.