In this activity, the children were required to bring recyclable materials (e.g. egg cartons, newspapers, toilet roll, plastic bottles, can drinks…etc) to school to participate in the recycling activity. The following photos illustrated that the teacher was introducing how recyclable materials can be sorted according to ‘paper’, ‘plastic’, ‘mental’, and ‘glass’. After the class activity, the teacher brought the children out to look for blue recycling bins. The children were surprise to know that there are 4 recycling bins around the school. The teacher make use of the opportunity to teach the children to read the instructions on the blue recycling bin. For instance, the recycling bin is strictly for recyclable items only. The teacher also taught the children that food and liquids are not suppose to dispose in this recycling bin. They also should not throw Items such as tissue paper, styrofoam & food-stained items, bulky items, and reusables in the recycling bin too! In this activity, the children were most excited to experience throwing their recyclable materials into the recycling bin!