Ms Andrea

MOE Kindergarten @ Westwood

Ms Andrea
20 Jun 2017

Puppet Masters Training Day!

12th May 2017 was a day full of puppetry fun for our centre. The children have been looking forward to get started on their shadow puppet making ever since the project was first introduced. But before they can start on doing their puppets and theatre out of recyclable materials, they had to learn more about shadow puppets first. So on this day, we invited some trainers down to conduct puppetry workshops. The K1s and K2s were given different responsibility to contribute to this project. Due to the more complex nature of the craft, K2s took up the challenge to do the shadow puppet making. The puppet making workshop began with a brief background on the different types of puppets, so they would better understand that the puppet they were working on was just one out of many different types.

So, what is shadow puppet? It’s something like paper puppet, but instead of seeing the paper, you shine a light on it and see the shadow.

Basically manipulating shadows, not always using paper, you can even use your hand, like what the trainer does below!

After seeing all that, naturally the children got more enthusiastic. Off to puppet crafting we go! Children were grouped into 4 groups with 1 trainer in each. They taught them how to cut out the shapes as well as pasting techniques. Paste them wrongly and the puppets won’t shake properly!

Look at their amazing focus!

Cut, cut, cut!

Let me see yours so I can paste mine too!

Those who were done with their puppets immediately experimented on creating shadows using their puppets with the help of the projector’s light.

Once everyone finished their puppets, it was time to guide them on how to use torchlights effectively. Children also discovered that different distance also creates different kind of shadow effect. They were so amazed at how so little change can do so much!

The K2s gained lots of knowledge and tons of fun learning how to create their own shadow puppets. Equipped with the skill, now they are ready to experiment on different types of recyclable materials to create the best puppets for their upcoming performance!

While the K2s dabbled in puppet making, the K1s embarked on theatre production (literally!). They also began by learning the background of shadow puppet to understand how a theatre plays a big part in putting up shadow puppet performance.

The K1s were also split up into 4 groups to learn how to create their theatre out of a cardboard box. 2 groups got to work together on the big box, while the other 2 work on 1 smaller cardboard box each.

The trainer showed them how to fold the box, where to place certain flaps to ensure that the box stayed in shape instead of collapsing. They also taught them how to stick the white cloth for the shadow projection.

When all the basic parts of the box was up, it was time for the little ones to contribute with their decorations! No matter small or big box, children were all busy colouring ice cream sticks to stick on the box, doodling and colouring on the box itself.

Children eagerly helped each other and decorated with all their heart. Their hardwork shone through the colourful decorations of their boxes.

We only had very limited time for the workshops, but that does not mean the work on the theatre ended there. It was just the beginning. They will continue to improve and add on more decorations on their theatre to make it look presentable by using a variety of recyclable materials.

As they work hard, they also play hard with their creation! They took initiative to put up their own shadow puppet shows armed with their creation, a torchlight and their vast imagination.

With such spirit and enthusiasm, they’re carrying such a strong message on recycling. Fun can be found anywhere, in any form, if you just use a bit of imagination!

Until our next update,


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