As we commemorate the Singapore Kindness Day on 18 May, the students at NurtureStars @ Tampines shared with the children the importance of being kind to others. During assembly time, the teacher shared a video about children around the world doing small actions to others to make a difference. No action is too small to make a difference to others!
The kindergarten one and two children came up with a list of ways that they could be kind to their friends. For example, helping a friend when he or she falls down, helping a friend who has spilled something, sharing a book together, lend a helping hand when a friend struggles to open a bottle or even to sit with a friend who is crying.
The children at NurtureStars @ Tampines agreed that kindness should not be done only during Kindness Day but it should be part of their lifestyle. Hence, the children decide that they will do at least 1 act of kindness a day for the next 50 days.
Kindergaten one and two students took a pledge for this by making a hand print and placing it in their classrooms as a visual reminder.
For the next few weeks, the class teacher and children will catch the acts of kindness and document it to share at the parent notice board.