As part of our project ‘Good Hygiene begins with ME’, we would like to share how our preschoolers actively participated in the exercise of COVID 19 ABCs. Our children were already preparing on how to be responsible and be considerate during this pandemic outbreak via Zoom sessions. During the Circuit Breaker period, the children were participating in our zoom sessions. They learned about the safety measures taken by the country and learned to adhere to such measures for safety and hygiene.
When they returned to school in early June, they were cooperative and worked well with the teachers in adapting to the new routines concerning the safety and hygiene of all.
Our N2 to K2 level children understood the rationale behind the safe distancing and few restrictions on their social behaviour being a healthy preschooler. Instead, they are now super ‘Safety and Hygiene’ heroes who embrace the safety and hygiene measures of the country and be more responsible for showing care and concern to others through graciousness.