For the final part of our project, the children suggested that we could help clean-up the litter in our neighbourhood during our nature walk.
‘Look at the rubbish on the tree! It’s so dirty, can we help to throw it away?’
Hence, we wore our rubber gloves, took the necessary materials such as trash bags and metal thongs and set out to be ‘Green Heroes’! The children used their looking eyes and spotted many plastic wrappers on the ground. The value ‘RESPECT’ was demonstrated as the children took turns and divided roles among themselves which made the activity enjoyable!
‘’Look guys! The playground looks nicer now!”
“Wow! Look at all these tissue papers! They should throw it into the bin instead.”
After the clean-up, the children then shared their thoughts about the project and jotted them down in their reflective journals. Some shared that they enjoyed the planting workshop with their friends and family, others shared that they did not enjoy the poster making as it was too hot outside!🤣
In conclusion, we have learnt and gain much knowledge from our project. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to our parents for your continuous support! Our journey does not end here, let us continue to do our part in sustaining planet Earth. Till next time! ❤️🌏