Mardiya Samsudin

M.Y World @ Waterway SunDew

Mardiya Samsudin
30 Jul 2022


N2 and K1 classes collaborated with Bright Hill Evergreen home for this year’s Start Small Dream Big Project (Community Project).

The objective of the collaboration was to promote intergenerational interaction between the elderly and young children, provide opportunities for children to care for the elderly and keep fit with our elderly through our “Groovy Grans” Zumba activity.

Parents, children and staff worked together to create hand-made tokens of appreciation for the elderly. Guess what? We have collected 202 stress balls. :)

Parents and staff donated food items for the elderly. The children also helped in packing the food items.

Thank you to our parent volunteer, Mr Mohamad Khalid, for helping us with the delivery of food donations and stress balls. We are grateful for your continuous support.

Before the main event, children had a discussion to brainstorm questions that they would like to ask the elderly.

During the Main Event, children and the elderly participated together in various activities such as Memory Lane, Q&A Session and Groovy Grans Zumba workout.

We took a trip down “Memory Lane” with discussions on pictures from the past.

Children engaged in fun and interactive Q&A sessions to learn more about the elderly.

To keep the atmosphere bright and light, children led the elderly during the Groovy Grans Zumba workout.

Through this intergenerational interaction, children gained a deeper insight and knowledge in building relationships with the elderly!

Stay tuned for our next year’s collaboration…

“The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.”- Andy Rooney

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