Coming to an end to our SSDB project, we have all learned on how can we achieve sustainable living with food supply from the world as well as our own country and ensure that it safe for all of us.
Children learned to identify logos such as healthier choice, nutritional facts and SG local logo whereby it is produced locally.
It was an exciting journey for the children where they get to learned about Singapore Food Story, knowing where did our food comes from. Children not only developed appreciation for people like our local farmers, they also developed appreciation for the food the eat, knowing that there are many processes before the food is edible. Children also talked and learned about ‘Food Safety Tips’. During our SSDB journey, we also integrated with our school’s curriculum.
For example, children did an egg passing activity during their MSD lesson. They learned to balance the egg using a spoon and children learned to work together because it’s a team race.
Another example will be Art & Craft. During their journey, children created a Food Expiry Tracker to be place near their fridge or cabinets so that the expiry date can be easily seen. Once it is expired, they will know to discard it.
Last but not least, they learned about the 5 food safety tips from the mascot ‘Oscar’! Children acted in a short clip to demonstrate what are the safety tips. They also had a take home project, where they work with parents to create a ‘Food Safety Tip’ poster. They did a ‘Show and Tell’ aftermath.