Back to school, children decided to create their very own activities using recycle materials such as magazine, paper clip, pipe cleaner, chopsticks, used ribbon and magnets. Children discussed with their peers and teachers on what are the activities that they would like to make. Children had great achievement after making these activities such as sight words fishing, flower attraction, drive your way home, fridge magnet and magnet bookmarks. Children tell that these are the activities that they enjoyed most while they were engaged at the Science Centre. They would like to share what they liked and learnt with others. Chikdren shows team work and perseverance in achieving their goal.
Start small dream big create a platform for children to show their care and share toward people around them. Children wanted to share what they have learnt with their parents and grandparents. It’s also built up their teamwork when creating these magnetic activities. These magnetic activities will be selling at a fundraising. Children are encourage to engage the activities that they get with their family members, not forgetting their grandparents, who need care from the young.