Nant Emmanuella

Little Seeds Preschool (Praiseland)

Nant Emmanuella
21 Jun 2022

A big THANK U Day

A brief yet heart-warming time with some 17 migrant workers.

The one-hour was well-planned; staring with an ice-breaker game called “Parachute”. Both workers (or “Uncles” as our children addressed them) and children were coordinating and cooperating well in the game.

After the game, it was K1 and 2 children singing their appreciation to the ‘Uncles’ a song composed by them in the bangla language.

Then, it was appreciation in tangible way when our children presented to each worker a Care pack of canned foods contributed by our parents. The Care pack carriers were reused from t-shirts brought in by children.

Besides the Care pack, each worker was handled a packet of Nasi Briyani. They retreated to their designated rest area for the lunch.

These community helpers were happy that their contribution to our neighbourhood improvement was recognized and appreciated. They do deserve our salute!

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