
My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent

25 Apr 2023

2023 SSDB Launch Party @ My First Skool - Alkaff Crescent

My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent has officially kick-started our very first ‘Start Small, Dream Big’ project this week! Aligning with this year’s theme, ‘Many Helping Hands, Caring for Everyone’, we have embarked on the journey to promote Marine Conservation under the project title ‘Guardians of the Ocean’. Through this meaningful community project, we hope that our children will get to know more about the importance of the Ocean, taking little actions to promote and conserve the Earth’s largest ecosystem consisting of marine wildlife and resources.

In collaboration with S.E.A. Aquarium, we discussed on the impacts caused to the ocean due to human actions, such as wasting electricity, leaving rubbish on the beach or asking for more plastic bags at supermarkets. Children compared the differences between their choices and realised that a simple action such as turning off the lights upon leaving house can make a big difference in conserving the ocean. We also saw documentaries of how the marine animals will be affected when trash is being wash into sea, where sea turtles will end up with a plastic bag in its stomach or fishes getting trapped inside plastic cups.

Children were then invited to create their willing hands and write down the traits that they will instill in this project. Some of them shared that they will take responsibility over their actions, while others said that they will promise to be considerate and caring to the marine animals. The N2s drew out the sea creatures of their liking and shared about why they want to protect the selected marine animal while the K1s and K2s created drawings of their ideal ocean, where the ocean is clean and animals are freed from trash. Using these creations, we designed our own SSDB banner and promised to always lend a helping hand to aid the efforts in marine conservation!

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