Shareena Nur

EB0009 E-Bridge Pre-School (Edgedale Plains PGLCCC)

Shareena Nur
6 May 2019

‘Living in a Plastic-less World’ - SSDB Launch Party with an ’Ocean Conservation’ Talk by WWF!

E-Bridge Edgedale Plains launched our Start Small Dream Big project called ’Living in a Plastic-less World’ on 22 April 2019.

To kick start the project, we invited the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) to carry out an ‘Ocean Conservation’ Talk for our Launch Party to provide our K1 children and their parents with a better understanding of what is currently happening to the environment.

The children showed genuine excitement to get started on their role in becoming a change agent of the world. They put on their orange hat and headed to the Music Room for the ‘Ocean Conservation’ Talk.

They listened intently as the speaker shared about the effects of plastic in the environment and the plastic items commonly found being thrown away in the ocean. They asked questions and showed interest in finding out what alternatives could be used instead of plastic.

Following this Launch Party, our project will entail experiences that promotes kindness and care for the environment, such as through efforts in recycling, reducing the use of plastic materials in their daily life or finding sustainable ways to support the plastic less change.

Stay tuned to find out more about our SSDB journey!


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