Appreciating Our Community Helpers with Kindness Messages The community helpers are the hardworking people we see every day in our communities, whether they are at home, at school, at the library, or in the store. Children had a ...
SSDB LAUNCH 2022: Where There is Family, There is Love Our K1 students launched the SSDB while also celebrating Mother’s Day on May 5, 2022. To begin, they had a quick talk and watched the SSDB video to better understand the ...
SSDB 2021:Go Green with Captain Green : Reduce Reuse, Recycle : Save our future Parental involvement : Making of our toys at home using recycled materialsAs a part of the project, parents were invited to participate in it by creating a home made toy for ...
SSDB 2021:Go Green with Captain Green : Reduce Reuse, Recycle : Save our future Let’s make a tower!Children collected empty boxes and placed it in our construction centre. They continued to reuse the boxes and created structures like buildings, towers and ...
SSDB 2021:Go Green with Captain Green : Reduce Reuse, Recycle : Save our future (cont.) Virtual Tour to Recycling PlantChildren were exposed to virtual tour to Recycling Plant of Germany, MEILO, a company in Gernsheim located in southern Hesse. It was an ...
Green Thumb Children were creative in reusing glass items. At first, they collected two clean and dry jars. They took turns to cover the bottom of the jars with an inch of pebbles. Next, ...
SSDB 2021: Go Green with Captain Green:Reduce, Reuse, Recycle :Save our future! Going green comprises of many things. One of them is reducing, reusing and recycling things or items in a meaningful and sustainable way to preserve the environment surrounds ...
保护野生动物之旅的总结与回顾 我们的这一趟SSSB之旅要在这告一段落了!老师带领我们一起进行了总结与回顾。Its been a journey on our Start Small Dream Big pro...
看我们用再生纸做的宣传卡片! 继上次的学习之后,我们认识了许多的野生动物,更加了解它们,也知道了垃圾如何分类处理,这样做也能在一定程度上帮助野生动物们维护它们赖以生存的环境。除此之外,我们还可以做什么呢?Continuing from our previous learning journey, we have a better and deeper understanding ...
很高兴认识你,野生动物朋友们! 启动仪式结束后,我们的SSDB之旅也正式起航了。为了能够更好地保护我们的野生动物朋友们,我们从学习野生动物有什么以及它们的习性和特征开始。在学习过程中,我们还做了动物瑜伽呢。
启动仪式-保护野生动物朋友们 Our topic for this year’s Start Small Dream Big project is “Protecting Our Wildlife Animal Friends”.The blazing Australian fire in 2019 had caused countless wildlife animals ...