Ms Faezah

My First Skool @ Jalan Sultan

Ms Faezah
2 Sep 2019

Turning Waste into Wonder

Our theme for this year SSDB project is ‘Caring for the Environment’. The project was launched in the month of April. The teachers talked about the project that the children will embark on as well as the resources that they will be getting.

During the launch, the teachers talked about the importance of taking care of the environment as well as the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).

After learning about the importance and ways of taking care of the environment, the children said the pledge together with the teachers.

One of the ways to care for the environment is through keeping our neighbourhood clean. The children did litter picking activity around the neighbourhood and at Kallang Riverside Park. Before the start of the activity, the teachers briefed the children on the items that were safe to pick-up. Followed by, distributing plastic gloves and plastic bags.

Litter picking at Kallang Riverside park

The children learned the difference between recycling bin and general waste bin.

Our school organized Recycling Carnival at the end of the project with the aim to share with parents ways of caring for the environment and saving the Earth. We would like to inculcate the culture of recycling among our children, teachers and parents. In addition, we raised funds to help the less fortunate. Funds were raised through the selling of carnival tickets, food and drinks. Parents contributed recyclable items for this carnival.

Game stations

Our K2 children helped to explain to the parents ways of playing the games at the different stations. They also shared with the parents ways of caring for the environment and the importance of saving the Earth.

Parents and children had lots of fun playing and learning at the different game stations.

Parents and children also had the opportunity to create recycled craft using a variety of recyclable items at the Craft station.

We managed to raise a good amount from the carnival. All proceeds will be donated to the President’s Challenge. We have learned so much from this whole journey of Start Small Dream Big. For example, learning ways to care for the environment through turning waste into wonder.

We believe that everyone can do their part in helping to care for the environment. No one can do everything but everyone can do something. 

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