This year, we held our launch party on 30 April 2019 to coincide with our Sports Day.
Our children marched in with their flags and happy faces!
Our teachers introduced the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, “Project L.O.V.E”, to our children and their families. “Project L.O.V.E” aims to provide opportunities for our children together with their family members to learn from the experiences the elderly in our community have gone through. Our children and their families will also have opportunities to show appreciation towards the elderly in our community through “Project L.O.V.E”.
As part of the launch, the children and their parents did a dance together. Even our principal and school leaders danced with us. Everyone enjoyed themselves!
The children played the different traditional games after the dance. Parents and grandparents took on the role as “teachers” for this segment as they taught the children how to play games like “batu seremban”, “zero-point” and “pallanguzhi”.
The children and their families reflected on their learning experiences and recorded their thoughts in the SSDB reflection journal.
We would like to thank everyone for participating in our launch party!