Jasmine Yeo Kar Yoke

My First Skool @ Bedok North Blk 419

Jasmine Yeo Kar Yoke
3 Oct

Start Small Dream Big Launch Party @ My First Skool Blk 419 Bedok North

We are excited to share the success of our Start Small Dream Big launch party, held recently at My First Skool @ Bedok North Blk 419. The event brought community together for a meaningful cause - barter trading food donations for beautiful reusable tie-dye bags and craftwork, all in support of Food Bank SG. 

As part of our initiative, we invited families to bring in non-perishable food items to donate to Food Bank SG. The response was overwhelming, and we are proud to announce that we collected an impressive amount of food donations - 84kg of food, resulting in the provisioning of 280 meals to their beneficiaries, which will go a long way in helping achieve their mission of ending food insecurity in Singapore. 

Together, we can make a difference, one small step at a time. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

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