Teachers @ Modern Montessori

Montessori @ Graceland Pte Ltd

Teachers @ Modern Montessori
31 Aug

SSDB project 2024 by MMI CCK “Care for the Elderly”. We have chosen “Care for the Elderly”.

We launched the project in April 2024. The children chose this topic as they wanted to share this moment how much they love their grandparents at home. The children did hand printing on a paper plate and made two flowers and gave to their grandparents at home. The teacher discussed with the children about Nursing homes. The children were curious to know about it. The children started to search about nursing homes around. They found one and it was “Senja Nursing Home”. The children asked many questions as 1. Why, 2. When, 3. How these elders are in this home. The teacher explained to them that some elders need one to one attention as their loved ones are busy at work, the elders have chronic illnesses or due to mobility. The children decided to have “Food Drive”. Each child wrote a note to request their parents to donate some food. The teacher also send a memo to parents. The parents donated the food items and the children packed them accordingly. The children practiced and prepared songs for the elders in 3 different languages with actions. When the day arrived to visit the elders in Senja Nursing Home the children were excited to and carried the donations with them. The children were amazed to see the elders sitted around long tables waiting eagerly. The elders cheered and clapped their hands and welcomed them. Each child shook their hands and greeted them. They handed over food items and a banner to say thank you to the caregivers. Then the children sang the songs and did a craft work related to Singapore National Day- made a paper plate Merlion. The take away for the children was “To care for those care once cared for is is one of the highest honours. Upon returning to the Center the children shared that they are going to make sure that their grandparents are happy and also requested to visit the elders in Senja Nursing Home every year.

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