The children embarked on the journey of Start Small, Dream Big on Kindness Day, whereby
they expressed ways to be kind with one another. Children were engaged in a discussion about
the importance and positive influences of kind actions. The children had the opportunity to
explore the Kindness pack that was sent to the school and they decided on the types of craft
activities they’d like to work on as a form of concrete reinforcement in being gracious. The
toddler and nursery classes coloured and pasted stickers to decorate door hangers which each
depicted a scene of kind act, while the kindergarteners wrote phrases which they thought best
represented kindness. Some of the words used in expressing kindness were “sharing”, “play
and work together”, “help those in need”, and “take good care of everything”. Children
showcased the completed pieces to their peers, and elaborated on how being kind as an
individual, contributes to a larger community.