For our SSDB project this year, we have decided to hold a mini carnival to commemorate Mothers’ Day and thereafter have a visit to Ren Ci @ Bukit Batok St. 52to perform and deliver cupcakes to the residents there. The centre has got a long collaboration with Ren Ci @ Bukit Batok St. 52 and have visited them on various occasions such as Chinese New Year and Christmas.
Before the event which will be held on 11 May 2018, the children learnt about how they can play a part and be kind to the people around them and the community. We shared about the project with the children during our Current Issues lesson and launched the project on 13 April 2018.
In preparation for the Mothers’ Day Carnival, the children practiced hand massage techniques and preparing decorated crackers to be served to their mothers on the event day. The children also came up with a performance for their Mothers and residents of Ren Ci Nursing Home and made cupcakes for the residents there the day before the visit.