Lim Sok Chin Verena

Learning Kidz Child Development Centre LLP@ Serangoon Central

Lim Sok Chin Verena
21 May

SSDB Launch Party 2024 by Learning Kidz @ Serangoon Central


Chinese Wushu has a history dating thousands of years back. It exists due to self-defence needs. Today, it is a highly regarded sports, practiced by young and old. Wushu has become a form of performing arts, of which the performance is a combination of rhythmic action and martial arts.

Through this performance, children learnt some of the stances such as Horse stance(马步), Bow stance(弓步), Crouching stance(扑步) and hand positions such as fist and palm. These are part of the Five Stance Form which is the first form that all beginners learn.

The lyrics “坐如钟,站如松 “are two out of the four postures by the ancients. “坐如钟”, sitting like a bell, meant to sit still as stable as a bell. This is achieved by keeping the body upright. “站如松”, standing like a pine is to stand straight and unshakable. The line “折如弓” indicates to bend and be flexible like a bow. “快如风“is to be fast like the wind.

These define Wushu movements too, requiring the person practicing it to associate flexibility with vitality and speed with perfect techniques.

Drumming is included in this performance as well. Not only it is part of the Chinese culture, it teaches children the importance of working as a team to produce a synchronize rhythm despite them coming from diverse backgrounds and having different abilities.

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