Start Small Dream Big Project was launched this year with our aim to play an active role in supporting a community project and for children and families to make a positive contribution for as concerned citizens. We also wanted to increase awareness on the 3R’s which is to reduce, reuse and recyle.
- During the launch, .our OM shared about the aims of our SSDB project. She mentioned that one was never too young to contribute to society. She explained how we could do our part to save the earth by water conservation and the 3 Rs. <ul class=”gallery” data-width=”1496” data-height=”494”>

Parents and children engaged in brainstorming discussions with their children and filled up their pledge cards. Sashes were designed to encourage children to be ambassadors for our project.
Everyone was determined to take their pledge seriously and we decided to begin with practising the 3 Rs at home and in school.
We are hoping to raise funds by using recyclable materials to create reusable materials. We are also hoping to help the community in reducing trash in the environment. So the journey continues..