
My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent

18 Sep 2023

SSDB Journal My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent - Our Visit to S.E.A Aquarium (11 May)

During our highly anticipated trip to S.E.A. Aquarium, there was so much to see, so much to see! From the small fishes and sea jellies to the large sharks and manta rays, it was indeed an eye opening expedition for the children, who were all mesmerised by the beauty of life in the blue ocean.

Not only did we learn about the different sea habitats, we also learnt about how each sea creature behaves differently under the ocean to survive and protect itself from its predators.

It is also important that we take action to help keep the ocean clean, such as making sure that we do not throw the transparent plastic bags in the sea, so that the sea turtles will not mistaken them as sea jellies for their meals! We also learnt that the more electricity that we use for our unused lights, fans and aircon, the more harmful the impact will be for our beautiful corals as they turn from coloured to white.

Check out our excited little sea discoverers in action, especially when they reached the end where they are surrounded by a tunnel of sharks!

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