M.Y World @ Compassvale Ancilla

8 Jul 2024

SSDB Growing Together: Intergenerational Planting Event with the Elderly of Precious Active Aging Centre

This year, the N2, K1 and K2 children from M.Y World at Compassvale Ancilla organised a planting activity in collaboration with the elderly from Precious Active Aging Centre.

This event aimed to bring the different generations to promote environmental awareness and community engagement through simple yet impactful act of planting.

Prior to the event, children brought recycled materials to create their DIY planting pots and shovels. Parents donated seeds and planting soils. Children decorated their planting pots and created a seed bomb to plant during the activity.

We started the activity with a dance performance by the children about saving the planet. Children and elderly worked side by side in planting variety of vegetables. The hands-on learning experience was invaluable for the children, who were excited to get their hands dirty and contribute to the environment. There was a second performance by the children, a song about the importance of taking care of the planet.

The collaboration between the Precious active Aging Centre and the pre-schoolers from M.Y World at Compassvale Ancilla strengthened the bonds between generations. The “Start Small, Dream Big” planting activity was a testament of coming together, learning from one another, dreaming big for a better and more connected community.

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