Now that we know more about the people in the community, besides practicing tolerance and appreciating our diversity, we are now ready to connect closer with our community. How can we do that?
Using ideas from our community partners, (Singapore Red Cross and Kidz Meadow, jointly launched the Red Cross Junior Club and its holistic curriculum - Project C.A.R.E ) the children discussed and explored ways to serve the community. As a tie in with our school’s annual fire drill, the children and teachers decided that one way to serve the community is to be prepared in an emergency. Another way is to reflect and think of ways in how we can show care to others in the community. We want to empower our children with life skills so as to be a part of a resilient community.
Credit/ source: Project C.A.R.E – Care for Safety
Children reflect and share about ways to show care to others using the SSDB pledge cards.