Office Win Moh Moh Han

Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Toa Payoh)

Office Win Moh Moh Han
2 May 2024

SSDB 2024 : Let’s Go Green!

SSDB 2024: “Let’s Go Green!”

We have embarked on our SSDB journey and had a meaningful launch party on the 19th April, 2024. Our theme for SSDB 2024 is “Let’s Go Green!” Our children have learnt about instilling the 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle) into daily practices and lifestyle choices. Being part of a preschool which adopts a vegetarian menu, children become ambassadors who share their experiences in leading sustainable vegetarian lifestyles.

Before the launch party, our children sang the song ‘Step by Step’. Everyone was cheery and ready to spread the message that ‘No one can do everything, but everyone can do something’.

Children brought clean and dry recyclables to school. They were then engaged in an obstacle course before sorting the recyclables. Besides learning to recycle right, children also learnt to use unwanted materials to create three-dimensional robots and buildings.

Through this project, our children will be learning about saving the Earth by reducing consumption of water and electricity, recycling right, making costumes using reusable materials, and also making more environmentally-friendly dietary choices.

Our children are excited about how they can help save the world and contribute back to the society!

Written by Ms Chia (K2 English Teacher)

Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Toa Payoh)

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