Ms Sweetlandsjw

Sweetlands Childcare JW 484 Pte Ltd

Ms Sweetlandsjw
5 Sep

SSDB 2024 - Healthy Eating Starts From Young (Part 1)

This year for SSDB project, our children embarked on a learning journey to Healthy Eating as we believe that eating habits are instilled from a young age and often these habits are carried through to adulthood. Through this project, we promote awareness of the importance of healthy eating to children as we believe that children who learn to eat well can develop and sustain a healthy lifestyle which has many benefits such as healthy growth and development and preventing long term illness. 

We brought children to the supermarket and introduced eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats are essential for healthy diet. 

Children learn to choose healthier choice symbol products at the supermarket. A healthy, balanced diet comprises a combination of different foods. It includes foods from all 5 food groups: fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy.

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