For our third activity, we started a donation drive and allowed the parents and children in participating in the event by donating food items for the community helpers. The parents were very excited to give back to society and it had been a joy watching the children create heartfelt cards for the community helpers.
The smiles on the community helpers’ faces brought smiles to ours as well and we could not have been happier to continue this donation drive yearly.
Through this activity, we not only want to reach out to the community helpers. We were lucky our neighbourhood was going through Home Improvement Program (HIP) and there were more community helpers as compared to the other time we did a donation drive. The community helpers smiled so brightly and thanked us profusely, our hearts were so full and we were so proud to be the ones representing our parents and children to donate all these items to them.
It may have been a small donation and a small act of kindness to them but we really do hope it helped keep their stomachs and hearts full whenever they needed it.