To continue our efforts in providing companionship, warmth and love to the needy community, once again we will reach out to the elderly from Lions Befrienders with our “Creative Hands*Loving Hearts” project 4.
Our journey began with our pupils who coloured and decorated their star pledge cards and penned down their thoughts on how they could help the elderly in order to bring them warmth and joy. On the day of our launch, pupils chanted “creative hands*loving hearts” cheers before they took turns to say their pledge. Some said that they wanted to give food, some said sing and dance. Others said that they would buy diapers.
Parents were also invited to join in the event. They contributed food and daily necessities. They also spent time together with their children to make heart shaped well wishes cards for the elderly.
Pupils learned more about showing kindness through packing of food.
Our pupils have also trained hard to put up dances and speech and drama performances for the elderly.
Sadly, the event was cancelled due to Covid Heightened Alert measures. Arrangement was made to send the gifts to the elderly instead.
They were happy to receive the presents and looked forward to future gatherings with our staff and pupils.