We embarked on the theme “Stay Safe-Together We Fight COVID 19” for our 2020 SSDB Project, with the objective that everyone plays apart in fighting COVID 19 by practicing good personal hygiene.
We launched our project on 31st of March. Teacher explained the importance of practicing good personal hygiene and invited children from Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten Two to demonstrate the hand washing technique with soap and water.
After the Circuit Breaker, our children are not able to visit the Elderly at the Senior Care Centre but they wanted to show their care for the Elderly and to share with them the importance of staying safe.
Thus, the Kindergarten Two children drew pictures of good personal hygiene such as wearing of mask and keeping social distancing on cork coasters as present for the Elderly. Whereas, the Nursery Two children did their part to inform the Elderly to stay safe and show their love with short messages and pasted them on a heart-shaped frame.
The Pre-Nursery children contributed their share to “Stay Safe - Together We Fight COVID 19” with a new way of greeting each other with their high-five hand craft.
At home, parents are encouraged to practice the safety measures with the children.
The heart-shaped frame and the cork coasters were presented to the Senior Care Centre our community partner, by teacher representatives on 7th August 2020. This also marked the closure of our 2020 SSDB Project.