Karen May Ng Miyuki

Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Sengkang)

Karen May Ng Miyuki
21 Jun

SSBD 2024: "Wildlife Warriors"

We’ve embarked on our SSDB journey with the theme “Wildlife Warriors,” where our children are exploring global health, focusing specifically on the impacts of wildfires. As young warriors for wildlife, they are eager to make a meaningful difference.

Our journey began with a deep dive into sustainability. Embracing the 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle) in their daily lives, our preschool also adopts a vegetarian menu. Children have investigated the reasons and effects, growing into ambassadors who enthusiastically share their experiences of leading sustainable, vegetarian lifestyles.

Prior to our launch party, every child from N2 to K2 collaborated on a play. Together, they colored backdrops, designed stage decorations, and crafted their own character costumes.

During the launch party, we began with lively songs before the children presented their play. It unfolds with animals peacefully inhabiting their forest until rising temperatures spark a wildfire. Amidst chaos, water emerges as the hero, extinguishing the flames and restoring the forest and its inhabitants.

Through this project, our children learn valuable lessons in environmental stewardship, waste reduction, sustainability, and making eco-friendly dietary choices. They have also committed to a two-week vegetarian challenge as a personal initiative to promote Earth-saving practices among their families and friends—starting small but dreaming big!

Our children are enthusiastic about their role in preserving our planet and contributing positively to society. Looking ahead, they will continue their journey with the school’s Veggie Planet Project, further reinforcing their understanding of sustainability and vegetarianism.

Written by Ms Yuki (K1 & K2 English Teacher) Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Seng Kang)

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