Cynthia Lim

LeClare @ Shenton

Cynthia Lim
20 Aug

Sprouting Silver Friendships

Understanding the elderly from THK

We started with our community project ‘Start Small Dream Big’ and invited Ms. Aathira from Thye Hua Kwan to enlighten us about the Active Aging Centre (AAC) for seniors. Through her presentation, we gained insights into the activities elderly individuals engage in, their preferences, and considerations to keep in mind. We engaged Ms. Aathira with questions about the games conducted at the centre, eagerly anticipating our upcoming visit to meet the elderly at the AAC.

Creating age-appropriate games for our elderly friends

We also took some time to research with our teacher, Ms. Cynthia, about games we could play with the elderly during our first bonding visit. There were many factors to consider, such as physical mobility, available space, and the strength required to play each game. After careful consideration, we selected a few games we thought would be enjoyable. We planned and assembled our game by arranging the different parts. It was challenging because we had to try various approaches to make the game work. Ms. Cynthia assisted us with gluing our creation! We are very excited to teach and play these games with the elderly when we visit them!


We invited the parents in for our SSDB launch party and had a sharing about our project! We also ask them to plant a potted plant for our elderly friends as a farewell gift. We then invited them to make our SSDB banner with us!

To our Daddies and Mummies,

Thank you for your being part of our SSDB Launch Party on Tuesday! We loved your handprints and participation in our banner! ❤️

Our first visit to Thye Hua Kwan at Telok Blangah Crescent

Here’s us making new friends with the elderly at the Active Aging Centre (AAC)! We gave out beancurd as a snack, and shared conversations and laughters with them!

We taught them the games that we created and cheered them on as they accomplished the task! A nice Grandma gave us all a hand-made keychain to thank us for coming! Our hearts are so full and we enjoyed making friends with the seniors! Sprouting Sliver Friendships, indeed!

Organising food drive for our elderly friends

We teamed up to create an awesome food drive donation poster! First, we chatted about what the seniors needed and wished for, then we got busy drawing and writing to show it all. Each of us took on different parts, and then we put it all together like a fun puzzle. The end result? One heartwarming poster!

Packing welfare packs for our elderly friends

We had a blast collecting all the amazing goodies donated by the awesome parents of LeClare for our food donation drive! First, we carefully split them up, opened them, and counted every single one. We sorted them into loose items and whole packages, making sure nothing got mixed up. With 20 friends to receive our special welfare packs, we teamed up and packed everything together with a lot of love and excitement. We also took care of packing the non-food items and shelf-stable food for the elderly. A huge shoutout to the parents of LeClare for their incredible generosity! We couldn’t have done it without you!

Craft time: Making maracas with our friends

We headed down to the elderly Active Aging Centre (AAC) and made some fantastic new friends! Together, we helped and guided them in crafting maracas using the materials we prepared. With glue, tape, punchers, and scrap paper, we transformed recycled bottles filled with beans into beautifully decorated maracas!

In no time, our colourful creations were ready, and we can’t wait to shake things up in our final session!

Rehearsal for our musical performance

We had our musical rehearsals for the elderly with our amazing Music Specialist- Ms. Roxanne! It was our first time jamming with her on guitar, and we quickly picked up the songs—Stand By Me and 月亮代表我的心 (yue liang dai biao wo de xin). With shakers in hand and some cool moves to match the tunes, we’re all pumped and ready to rock our performance for the seniors!


Our last visit to the elderly active aging centre! We headed down with the amazing Ms. Roxanne to put on our musical performance for our friends. We were over the moon when they sang along with us and shook the maracas. It was such a melodious and precious moment! It was a total joy fest!

Then, it was bingo time! From 1 to 100, we played while Ms. Cynthia expertly manipulated the bingo number generator. We even got to practice our Mandarin, helping our friends spot the numbers on their bingo cards! Afterwards, we handed out our welfare packs and snapped some memorable photos. As we bid goodbye, we shared hugs and high-fives, cherishing every moment of this special day. We’re not ready to say bye to our new friends!

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