Minakshi Agarwal Email: minakshiagarwal@skool4kid

Skool4Kidz @ Tampines GreenRidges

Minakshi Agarwal Email: minakshiagarwal@skool4kid
2 Jun 2024

Skool4kidz@Tampines Green Ridges Launch Party 2024

Green Today, Greener Tomorrow

Skool4kidz TPGR launched the Start Small, Dream Big project (SSDB) with our K1s.

Our project is titled ‘Green Today, Greener Tomorrow: Countering Climate Change’. Through this project, we aim to shape our children into Green Guardians, young heroes who will help to raise awareness to the public to protect the world we all live in. Over the next few months, the children will be participating in activities to learn more about climate change and how they can educate the public to practice environmental-friendly habits.

They were introduced to the project through PPT slides and various interactive activities based on the theme of ‘Environmental Sustainability’.

Spot Me & We Can Save Our World - They identified acts of saving the environment by circling them and acts of harming the environment by putting an ‘X’ on them, then discussed the actions they had circled or marked with an ‘X’.

Use of Tech Toys (Matatalab, BeeBot) - Pictures of different acts (both saving and harming the environment) were pasted on a grid. Their mission was to ensure that the tech toy reached Happy Earth by only moving on the grids that reflected good ways of saving the environment.

Creating Our SSDB Banner - They used recyclable materials to create the SSDB banner. The children used crushed newspaper, bottle caps, and dried leaves to form the letters S S D B.

Green Guardians to the Rescue! (MSD) - They completed activities to help save the world in an obstacle course style. Examples of missions included sorting pictures of good and bad habits related to the environment and aiming to throw a ball into either the Good or Not Good box. They also helped remove trash from the sea within a time limit by picking up all the trash and navigating obstacles to safely throw the trash into the bin.

At the end, they shared their feelings about protecting the environment by reflecting on the different ways of saving the environment and protecting Earth’s natural resources.

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