In the second leg of Sharing is Caring project, the Centre has coordinated a trip to Kheng Chiu Happy Lodge near the centre.
Through the generosity of our centre’s parents, we were able to collect a lot of food item donations for the elderly in Kheng Chiu. The Bus company that the centre usually charters buses from also aided us by providing free bus transport to the elderly care.
As our way of saying thank you, the children created a big ‘Thank You’ card to our bus driver. In addition to the big basket of flowers, all the food item donations and little goodie bags were distributed and given to the elderly in the lodge as well. The elderly were also presented with dance performances by the children. It was a good experience for both the elderly and the children. Through opportunities of interacting with the elderly, the children showed how they care in their own way.
In addition to the trip to Kheng Chiu, the children also got to appreciate and spend time with their grandparents through our ‘Tea Time with Grandparents’ in the centre. The children and their teachers created a healthy cafe where healthy sandwiches and drinks were served to the grandparents.
This was a pleasant experience for the grandparents. In most school events, it is usually the parents that are invited. On this occasion, the grandparents felt honored and appreciated as they got to spend quality time with their grandchildren in school setting. It was a heartwarming experience for everyone as feelings and thoughts were expressed.
All in all, SSDB 2018 ended on a good note. It was an enriching experience for everyone who were involved.