30th August 2019: As part of the Bicentennial, we decided to talk to the elderlies about Samsui Women. When we shown the red folded hat to the elderlies, a few Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs immediately recognised it as hong tou jing ( 红头巾) and shared that it was worn by the samsui women in many years ago. Ah Gong shared that most of the samsui women came from China.
A Ah Man was excited to share what she knew about the Samsui Women. She shared that the life of the samsui women was tough, they need to work for very long hours just to earn that little salary. Most of these samsui women worked in the construction site and needed to carry heavy things.
Children shared that though the life of the samsui women were tough, but at least they have a house to stay to keep them away from the rain. They were very proud of the samsui women because of their contribution to Singapore.
To reinforce the learning with Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs, we also got the children to perform for the elderlies a samsui women dance.