Lee Ah Hiang

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yew Tee Blk 682 (KN)

Lee Ah Hiang
17 Jul 2019

President's Challenge Start Small Dream Big 2019- Ah Gongs Ah Mahs 上课咯! The Bicentennial Experiences- Back to the 50s 40s...

4th July 2019: Today is our first session with Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs after the Jun term holiday.

As we are celebrating the Bicentennial, we decided to walk the elderlies back to their past in the 40s 50s. We decided to introduce the olden days buildings hoping that it will help bring back their memories.

When we first flashed out a picture of the olden days Chinatown (牛车水), it seen to trigger their memories and they started to talk and share their knowledge and life experiences about Chinatown! They were excited!

For example, One Ah Mah shared that because there wasn’t any water tap supply , the people need to rely on the bulllock cart which was pulled by buffalo and that is why it was called Chinatown.

Upon seeing the picture of the Great World amusement park( 新世界), one Ah Gong shared that in the past, people just need to pay twenty cent to get a ticket and be able to enjoy the whole day in the park.

Another Ah Man also shared that she could still remember the days she enjoyed watching National Day parade in the old National Stadium (国家体育馆)

We even played memories games by getting Ah Gongs and Ah Mahs to match the past and the present buildings like old National Theatre(国家剧场) with Esplanade(滨海艺术中心), past Singapore river (新加坡河) and the present and many.

Today is a fruitful and happiest session we felt as compare to the past as we were able to see many elderlies smiling and talking excitedly about their past experiences. Love :)

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