Siti Daliana Binte Sadali

My First Skool @ Sembawang Close Blk 331

Siti Daliana Binte Sadali
29 Aug 2017

Preparing for MFS SCC Sports Carnival!

This year, My First Skool @ Blk 331 Sembawang Close will maintain our partnership with Saint Luke for this year’s SSDB! The theme for our SSDB program this year is “We love and care our elderly”.

With that, as a centre we have decided to do a barter trade. The parents will have to donate items for the elderly at Saint Luke Elder Care and as an exchange, they will earned themselves tickets to our very first Inter-Generation Sports Carnival (more details in the second post)!

Both the children and teachers worked really hard to prepare for the big event! The children were busy creating items for the goodie bags that they will be giving out on the sports carnival. Most of the items in the goodie bags are handmade by the children themselves!

So what are the items that can be found in the goodie bag?

Firstly, there is a sunglasses creatively done by the children which will be very useful on the sports carnival day!

They also created cup holders for their packet drinks. What is more interesting then having pretty cup holders to admire as they drink up?

Fear of getting hungry during the sports carnival? Don’t be! The children made healthy and yummy energy bar too!

There is also a stress ball. A very positive way to release the negative energy away!

And of course, the children decorated the goodie bags on their own! Such creative designs and they also packed the items into the goodie bags on their own.

So here is how the goodie bags looked like once it was ready. The children were very excited to collect their goodie bags on the day of the sports carnival!

And here are some of the items donated by the parents in exchange for the sports carnival tickets. Thank you parents for your kind support! We will be packing al these items and bringing it over to Saint Luke Eldercare Centre on the 14th August 2017. Look out for the post!

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