The sewn HLS project was unveiled on the Pet Awareness Day. This special day was dedicated by our school to bring awareness to children about pet responsibility. The children were amazed by how long the banner was (40 metres)!
After unveiling the banner containing all the HLS projects , the children proceeded to the gym room where they joined the N2 children for a mass learning on pets. Our teachers brought their own pet cats, gerbil and rabbit to school to allow the children to have an interactive experience.
With the funds provided from our IGP, we bought the pet accessories, bedding and housing of these pets to provide the children with an authentic learning experience. A slide show presentation on pet responsibility was presented to the children.
After the presentation session, the children were given the time to interact with the pet rabbit and cats.
At the end of the day , the children were each given a tote bag containing resources generously provided by AVA. The Pet-Pal programme resources provided includes follow-up activity the children had to complete before receiving an additional fabric pencil case.