
My First Skool at Blk 183 Edgefield Plains

5 Jul 2021

Paper Making

The Kindergarten 1 children continued to work on the subsequent Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) activity this week. As the children enjoys drawing/writing and would use a significant amount of paper on a daily basis, the teachers thought that it would be fun for children to understand the tedious process of paper-making. Therefore, this time around, children had the opportunity to make paper, from recycled papers such as bits and pieces of paper / coloured papers, magazines and even newspapers!

Prior to the start of the lesson, children listened to the information book - How to make paper. In this information book, children learnt the steps of making paper as well as the terms such as chemicals and pulp. After which, children had the opportunity for a hands-on experience. They searched the classroom for different types of papers that could be recycled. They then took some time to shred the papers into tiny pieces. Once they have completed the shredding step, children added water and stir the pulp even more to soften and disintegrate the paper.

Later on in the afternoon, children worked in pairs to further break down the pulp mixture using a portable blender. The mixture were then poured into a basket and children had to use a circular sieve as a template to create the size of the paper. Children developed perseverance as they had to sieve out a couple of times in order to achieve a thin consistency for their paper. Once they were done, children then placed the sieve over to a laminated sheet of paper before using a cloth to transfer it over for it to dry.

Children were amazed by the process and they cant wait to finally use their own recycled paper on Monday!

Dear K1s, Jiang laoshi and I hope that you would continue to save the Earth and use the resources wisely as the process takes a long time.

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