Amal Lina Binte Abdul Rahim

[SSDB] PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sembawang Central Blk 115B

Amal Lina Binte Abdul Rahim
11 Oct

Our SSDB Donation Drive for the Elderly!

For the first part of the SSDB project, we aimed to raise awareness on the needs of the elderly in the community. The N2 to K2 children and parents took part in a Donation Drive from 10th June 2024 to 24th June 2024 to be given to the Elderly from Blossom Seeds Senior Service Centre.

The teachers shared with the children about the types of food items that the seniors love to eat every day. The teachers also highlighted to the children about the importance of purchasing food items with the ‘Healthier Choice’ logo. This promotes awareness and compassion in the children as they thought about the elderly’s health and day-to-day lifestyle before choosing what to buy.

Together with their parents, the children went to the supermarket and purchased them. 

In school, they worked together with their friends and packed the food items with love. They were excited to give the goodie bags to the seniors!

The K1 Emerald and K2 Sapphire children went over to Blossom Seeds Senior Service Centre to distribute the goodie bags. The seniors were overjoyed to receive the bags from the children and parents!

Through this Donation Drive, the children demonstrated their care and appreciation towards the seniors in the community. They understood that this was one way that they could show their kindness towards others.

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“小小心灵 · 大大爱意” —— 小画笔传递关爱与感恩的回馈之心

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