Siti Nurrafidah

MOE Kindergarten @ Springdale

Siti Nurrafidah
5 Sep 2018

MOE Kindergarten (MK) @ Springdale and friends from AWWA @ Lorong Napiri enjoy an art experience together!

With the understanding that art promotes creativity, teamwork and dedication, MK and AWWA teachers intentionally planned for the art experience for the children. Children were expected to work together to complete the art piece on a square cardboard based on their current interests (shapes, objects and colours). 

<u>Behind the scenes</u>

On getting ready for the art experience, MK children were first introduced to the names of their AWWA friends and later their friends’ profiles( learning goals, likes and dislikes) were shared, too. Based on the profiles, MK teachers also informed children on ways to facilitate the art experience together. Children assisted their teachers in preparing the resources required for the art experience.

<u>Art Experience Day</u>

MK children received a warm welcome by the AWWA children, their teachers and families. The session started with Circle Time with both groups of children engaged in singing and dancing activities. Thereafter, they went on to work with their buddies. MK children facilitated the art experience by providing and sharing the materials with their AWWA friends. For instance, the MK child said, “take blue(while holding out two different coloured pom poms).” As they worked together, praises and encouraging words filled the air as MK children reinforced the good work done by their AWWA friends. Once they have completed their art pieces, they left it to dry and admired each other’s work. They cleaned up the work area and gathered together. The art experience ended with hugs and words of appreciation to their AWWA friends, teachers and families.

<u>Reflect and celebrate</u>

Children reflected on the art experience together with their teachers by sharing the highlights of their experience. Teachers also took the opportunity to celebrate the effort of all the children during the art experience. MK teachers and children look forward to the upcoming music experience with their AWWA friends.

Every child is an artist. -Picasso

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